

joyful movement.
collective solidarity.
bodily autonomy.

Movement for Choice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that offers donation-based events, fitness classes, and education, to support Reproductive Justice for ALL — especially Black, Brown, Queer, and Trans communities who have long fought for and been denied access to reproductive care and justice. 

Together, we’re building a community grounded in joyful movement, collective solidarity, and bodily autonomy.

land acknowledgement

We recognize that the land we occupy today belongs to its original custodians, the Native American people, more specifically the Piscataway, Pamunkey, the Nentego (Nanichoke), Mattaponi, Chickahominy, Monacan, and the Powhatan. These cultures thrived on this land for thousands of years and continue to live on and beyond what we now call Washington, D.C. We also recognize that settler-colonialism continues to dismantle Indigenous communities across the country and the world. We encourage you to check out the Once As It Was D.C. website to learn more about the history of Native Americans in the DMV, and we invite you to donate to organizations supporting Native American communities and causes, which are listed here.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

On the individual level: I will make intentional efforts to recognize that the people I engage with on a daily basis hail from diverse backgrounds and practice empathy to create safety in any and all spaces I occupy. I will prioritize kindness, respect, and integrity for myself and for others to the best of my ability. 

On the M4C-level: We will practice mutual respect and love to one another during and beyond our events. We will enter these shared spaces with a deep understanding that everyone holds unique experiences and identities, which have shaped them implicitly and explicitly. As members and attendees, we will use our personal privileges to uplift one another and welcome all peoples to feel safe, heard, and appreciated. 

On the community level: We will continue to recognize that there are various systems of oppression in place and each individual we serve is impacted by these systems to varying degrees. We will use our voice to challenge injustice, invite productive discourse, and pay it back to the communities in the Washington, D.C. area and beyond, who have been at the forefront of and historical champions for the reproductive justice movement.